Tag Archives: REB Research

My home-made brandy and still.

MY home-made still, and messy lab. Note the masking tape seal and the nylon hoses. Nylon is cheaper than copper. The yellow item behind the burner is the cooling water circulation pump. The wire at top and left is the thermocouple.

I have an apple tree, a peach tree, and some grape vines. They’re not big trees, but they give too much fruit to eat. The squirrels get some, and we give some away. As for the rest, I began making wine and apple jack a few years back, but there’s still more fruit than I can use. Being a chemical engineer, I decided to make brandy this year, so far only with pears and apples.

The first steps were the simplest: I collected fruit in a 5 gallon, Ace bucket, and mashed it using a 2×4. I then added some sugar and water and some yeast and let it sit with a cover for a week or two. Bread yeast worked fine for this, and gives a warm flavor, IMHO. A week or so later, I put the mush into a press I had fro grapes, shown below, and extracted the fermented juice. I used a cheesecloth bag with one squeezing, no bag with the other. The bag helped, making cleanup easier.

The fruit press, used to extract liquid. A cheese cloth bag helps.

I did a second fermentation with both batches of fermented mash. This was done in a pot over a hot-plate on warm. I added more sugar and some more yeast and let it ferment for a few more days at about 78°F. To avoid bad yeasts, I washed out the pot and the ace bucket with dilute iodine before using them– I have lots of dilute iodine around from the COVID years. The product went into the aluminum “corn-cooker” shown above, 5 or 6 gallon size, that serves as the still boiler. The aluminum cover of the pot was drilled with a 1″ hole; I then screwed in a 10″ length of 3/4″ galvanized pipe, added a reducing elbow, and screwed that into a flat-plate heat exchanger, shown below. The heat exchanger serves as the condenser, while the 3/4″ pipe is like the cap on a moonshiner still. Its purpose is to keep the foam and splatter from getting in the condenser.

I put the pot on the propane burner stand shown, sealed the lid with masking tape (it worked better than duct tape), hooked up the heat exchanger to a water flow, and started cooking. If you don’t feel like making a still this way, you can buy one at Home Depot for about $150. Whatever route you go, get a good heat exchanger/ condenser. The one on the Home-depot still looks awful. You need to be able to take heat out as fast as the fire puts heat in, and you’ll need minimal pressure drop or the lid won’t seal. The Home Depot still has too little area and too much back-pressure, IMHO. Also, get a good thermometer and put it in the head-space of the pot. I used a thermocouple. Temperature is the only reasonable way to keep track of the progress and avoid toxic distillate.

A flat-plate heat exchanger, used as a condenser.

The extra weight of the heat exchanger and pipe helps hold the lid down, by the way, but it would not be enough if there was a lot of back pressure in the heat exchanger-condenser. If your lid doesn’t seal, you’ll lose your product. If you have problems, get a better heat exchanger. I made sure that the distillate flows down as it condenses. Up-flow adds back pressure and reduces condenser efficiency. I cooled the condenser with water circulated to a bucket with the cooling water flowing up, counter current to the distillate flow. I could have used tap water via a hose with proper fittings for cooling, but was afraid of major leaks all over the floor.

With the system shown, and the propane on high, it took about 20 minutes to raise the temperature to near boiling. To avoid splatter, I turned down the heater as the temperature approached 150°F. The first distillate came out at 165°F, a temperature that indicated it was not alcohol or anything you’d want to drink. I threw away the first 2-3 oz of this product. You can sniff or sip a tiny amount to convince yourself that this this is really nasty, acetone, I suspect, plus ethyl acetate, and maybe some ether and methanol. Throw it away!

After the first 2-3 ounces, I collected everything to 211°F. Product started coming in earnest at about 172°F. I ended distillation at 211°F when I’d collected nearly 3 quarts. For my first run, my electronic thermometer was off and I stopped too early — you need a good thermometer. The material I collected and was OK in taste, especially when diluted a bit. To test the strength, I set some on fire, the classic “100% proof test”, and diluted till it to about 70% beyond. This is 70% proof, by the classic method. I also tried a refractometer, comparing the results to whiskey. I was aiming for 60-80 proof (30-40%).

My 1 gallon aging barrel.

I tried distilling a second time to improve the flavor. The result was stronger, but much worse tasting with a loss of fruit flavor. By contrast, a much better resulted from putting some distillate (one pass) in an oak barrel we had used for wine. Just one day in the barrel helped a lot. I’ve also seen success putting charred wood cubes set into a glass bottle of distillate. Note: my barrel, as purchased, had leaks. I sealed them with wood glue before use.

I only looked up distilling law after my runs. It varies state to state. In Michigan, making spirits for consumption, either 1 gal or 60,000 gal/year, requires a “Distilling, Rectifying, Blending and/or Bottling Spirits” Permit, from the ATF Tax and Trade Bureau (“TTB”) plus a Small Distiller license from Michigan. Based on the sale of stills at Home Depot and a call to the ATF, it appears there is little interest in pursuing home distillers who do not sell, despite the activity being illegal. This appears similar to state of affairs with personal use marijuana growers in the state. Your state’s laws may be different, and your revenuers may be more enthusiastic. If you decide to distill, here’s some music, the Dukes of Hazard theme song.

Robert Buxbaum, November 23, 2022.

A Nuclear-blast resistant paint: Starlite and co.

About 20 years ago, an itinerate inventor named Maurice Ward demonstrated a super insulating paint that he claimed would protect most anything from intense heat. He called it Starlite, and at first no one believed the claims. Then he demonstrated it on TV, see below, by painting a paper-thin layer on a raw egg. He then blasting the egg with a blow torch for a minute till the outside glowed yellow-red. He then lifted the egg with his hand; it was barely warm! And then, on TV, he broke the shell to show that the insides were totally raw, not only uncooked but completely unchanged, a completely raw egg. The documentary below shows the demonstration and describes what happened next (as of 10 years ago) including an even more impressive series of tests.

Intrigued, but skeptical, researchers at the US White Sands National Laboratory, our nuclear bomb test lab, asked for samples. Ward provided pieces of wood painted as before with a “paper thin” layer of Starlite. They subjected these to burning with an oxyacetylene torch, and to a simulated nuclear bomb blast. The nuclear fireball radiation was simulated by an intense laser at the site. Amazing as it sounds, the paint and the wood beneath emerging barely scorched. The painted wood was not damaged by the laser, nor by an oxyacetylene torch that could burn through 8 inches of steel in seconds.

The famous egg, blow torch experiment.

The inventor wouldn’t say what the paint was made of, or what mechanism allowed it to do this, but clearly it had military and civilian uses. It seems it would have prevented the twin towers from collapsing, or would have greatly extended the time they stayed standing. Similarly, it would protect almost anything from a flame-thrower.

As for the ingredients, Ward said it was non-toxic, and that it contained mostly organic materials, plus borax and some silica or ceramic. According to his daughter, it was “edible”; they’d fed it to dogs and horses without adverse effects.

Starlite coasted wood. The simulated nuclear blast made the char mark at left.

The White sands engineers speculate that the paint worked by combination of ablation and intumescence, controlled swelling. The surface, they surmised, formed a foam of char, pure carbon, that swelled to make tiny chambers. If these chambers are small enough, ≤10 nm or so, the mean free path of gas molecules will be severely reduced, reducing the potential for heat transfer. Even more insulting would be if the foam chambers were about 1 nm. Such chambers will be, essentially air free, and thus very insulating. For a more technical view of how molecule motion affects heat transfer rates, see my essay, here.

Sorry to say we don’t know how big the char chambers are, or if this is how the material works. Ward retained the samples and the formula, and didn’t allow close examination. Clearly, if it works by a char, the char layer is very thin, a few microns at most.

Because Maurice Ward never sold the formula or any of the paint in his lifetime, he made no money on the product. He kept closed muted about it, as he knew that, as soon as he patented, or sold, or let anyone know what was in the paint, there would be copycats, and patent violations, and leaks of any secret formula. Even in the US, many people and companies ignore patent rights, daring you to challenge them in court. And it’s worse in foreign countries where the government actively encourages violation. There are also legal ways around a patent: A copycat inventor looks for ways to get the same behavior from materials that are not covered in the patent. Ward could not get around these issues, so he never patented the formula or sold the rights. He revealed the formula only to some close family members, but that was it till May, 2020, when a US company, Thermashield, LLC, bought Ward’s lab equipment and notes. They now claim to make the original Starlite. Maybe they do. The product doesn’t seem quite as good. I’ve yet to see an item scorched as little as the sample above.

Many companies today are now selling versions of Starlite. The formulas are widely different, but all the paints are intumescent, and all the formulas are based on materials Ward would have had on hand, and on the recollections of the TV people and those at White Sands. I’ve bought one of these copycat products, not Thermashield, and tested it. It’s not half bad: thicker in consistency than the original, or as resistive.

There are home-made products too, with formulas on the internet and on YouTube. They are applied more like a spackle or a clay. Still, these products insulate remarkably well: a lot better than any normal insulator I’d seen.

If you’d like to try this as a science fair project, among the formulas you can try; a mix of glue, baking soda, borax, and sugar, with some water. Some versions use sodium silicate too. The Thermoshield folks say that this isn’t the formula, that there is no PVA glue or baking soda in their product. Still it works.

Robert Buxbaum, March 13, 2022. Despite my complaints about the US patent system, it’s far better than in any other country I’ve explored. In most countries, patents are granted only as an income stream for the government, and inventors are considered villains: folks who withhold the fruits of their brains for unearned money. Horrible.

Who watches the watchmen; who protects from the protectors?

One of the founding ideas of a limited government, as I think our founders intended, is that the power of the state to protect carries with it several dangers. The first of these is cost, all good services and all good protections come at a cost. Generally that is achieved by taxation or by inflation, or by imposing regulations that do more harm than good. Once a tax for a service is accepted the service is really removed, and there is a tendency to over tax or over inflate to maintain it and to mis-distribute the service as well. The people do not become wealthier, or better served, but the people distributing the services win out. There are those who would say we are living through this today.

Another problem with a big, protective government is that the protectors can turn on the people they are supposed to protect. This can be small issues, like firing people who refuse to vaccinate, or large matters like imprisoning enemies. The history of the world is littered with examples of governments taken over by their own police or army. Generally the excuse is that the police is protecting the people from some bigger danger: rioters, disease, subversives. But once the police take over, they are hard to remove. They tend to see anyone who wants to limit their power as another subversive, and they tend to treat treat such people ruthlessly.

In the French Revolution, the group who ran the guillotine was the “committee for public safety”. First they killed to protect the folk from dangerous monarchists, then the clergy, and capitalists, and eventually anyone they considered a threat: That is anyone who considered them a threat. A similar outcome occurred in Russia, the removal of the Tzar lead to a rein of terror by Stalin. Harry Truman wrote saying that the CIA was another Stalinist police force, and wrote that congress was afraid of them. (see his Op-ed here). It seems that FBI director James Comey used made-up evidence of Russian collaboration to try to remove Trump (see NY Post story here).

A final problem with a powerful group of protectors is that it can be bought by outside agents. Rudolf Hess was Truman’s agent for dealing with the UN to promote world peace. It also turns out that he was also a Soviet agent. In Britain in the 50s to 70s, the assistant head of spying, the second in command of MI6, was Kim Philby a Soviet agent. The Soviets helped Philby’s rise by destroying the reputation of anyone who might do the job well. To this day, we regularly find Chinese and Russian agents in our FBI, NSA, and CIA. There is no better place to gather information and spread lies than with the organization that is supposed to protect us.

The title of my essay comes from a satrical poem/ essay written by Juvinal, in first century Rome (read it here). The more famous line is Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Juvenal points out that not only is group of watchmen/protectors a danger in itself so that, if you hire a watchman to keep your wife chaste, she is likely to stray with the watchman, but he also points out that the watchmen are expensive, and that they are easily bought. Juvenal also points out that cruelty and vanities are common outcomes of a large retinue; if the wife or one of her high eunuchs feels disregarded, everyone lower will be beaten mercilessly. It’s a problem that is best solved, in the home and in politics in general by having a small staff — just what’s really needed. This, I think, was the intent of the founders of our country who limited the number of services provided.

Robert E. Buxbaum, November 27, 2021. As a more-fun way to present watchmen getting excessive, here is a parity song, “Party in the CIA,” by Weird Al. …Better put your hands up and get in the van, Or else you’ll get blown away, Stagin’ a coup like yeah… Party in the CIA.

Adding H2 to an engine improves mpg, lowers pollution.

I month ago, I wrote to endorse hythane, a mix of natural gas (methane) and 20-40% hydrogen. This mix is ideal for mobile use in solid oxide fuel cell vehicles, and not bad with normal IC engines. I’d now like to write about the advantages of an on-broad hydrogen generator to allow adjustable composition fuel mixes.

A problem you may have noticed with normal car engines is that a high hp engine will get lower miles per gallon, especially when you’re driving slow. That seems very strange; why should a bigger engine use more gas than a dinky engine, and why should you get lower mpg when you drive slow. The drag force on a vehicle is proportional to speed squared. You’d expect better milage at low speeds– something that textbooks claim you will see, counter to experience.

Behind these two problems are issues of fuel combustion range and pollution. You can solve both issues with hydrogen. With normal gasoline or Diesel engines, you get more or less the same amount of air per engine rotation at all rpm speeds, but the amount of air is much higher for big engines. There is a relatively small range of fuel-air mixes that will burn, and an even smaller range that will burn at low pollution. You have to add at least the minimal fuel per rotation to allow the engine to fire. For most driving that’s the amount the carburetor delivers. Because of gearing, your rpm is about the same at all speeds, you use almost the same rate of fuel at all speeds, with more fuel used in big engines. A gas engine can run lean, but normally speaking it doesn’t run at all any leaner than about 1.6 times the stoichiometric air-to-fuel mix. This is called a lambda of 1.6. Adding hydrogen extends the possible lambda range, as shown below for a natural gas – fired engine.

Engine efficiency when fueled with natural gas plus hydrogen as a function of hydrogen amount and lambda, the ratio of air to stoichiometric air.

The more hydrogen in the mix the wider the range, and the less pollution generally. Pure hydrogen burns at ten times stoichiometric air, a lambda of ten. There is no measurable pollution there, because there is no carbon to form CO, and temperature is so low that you don’t form NOx. But the energy output per rotation is low (there is not much energy in a volume of hydrogen) and hydrogen is more expensive than gasoline or natural gas on an energy basis. Using just a little hydrogen to run an engine at low load may make sense, but the ideal mix of hydrogen and ng fuel will change depending on engine load. At high load, you probably want to use no hydrogen in the mix.

As it happens virtually all of most people’s driving is at low load. The only time when you use the full horse-power is when you accelerate on a highway. An ideal operation for a methane-fueled car would add hydrogen to the carburetor intake at about 1/10 stoichiometric when the car idles, turning down the hydrogen mix as the load increases. REB Research makes hydrogen generators based on methanol reforming, but we’ve yet to fit one to a car. Other people have shown that adding hydrogen does improve mpg.

Carburetor Image from a course “Farm Power”. See link here. Adding hydrogen means you could use less gas.

Adding hydrogen plus excess air means there is less pollution. There is virtually no CO at idle because there is virtually no carbon, and even at load because combustion is more efficient. The extra air means that combustion is cooler, and thus you get no NOx or unburned HCs, even without a catalytic converter. Hydrogen is found to improve combustion speed and extent. A month ago, I’d applied for a grant to develop a hydrogen generator particularly suited to methane engines. Sorry to say, the DoT rejected my proposal.

Robert Buxbaum June 24, 2021

Upgrading landfill and digester gas for sale, methanol

We live in a throw-away society, and the majority of it, eventually makes its way to a landfill. Books, food, grass clippings, tree-products, consumer electronics; unless it gets burnt or buried at sea, it goes to a landfill and is left to rot underground. The product of this rot is a gas, landfill gas, and it has a fairly high energy content if it could be tapped. The composition of landfill gas changes, but after the first year or so, the composition settles down to a nearly 50-50 mix of CO2 and methane. There is a fair amount of water vapor too, plus some nitrogen and hydrogen, but the basic process is shown below for wood decomposition, and the products are CO2  and methane.

System for sewage gas upgrading, uses REB membranes.

C6 H12 O6  –> 3 CO2  + 3 CH4 

This mix can not be put in the normal pipeline: there is too much CO2  and there are too many other smelly or condensible compounds (water, methanol, H2S…). This gas is sometimes used for heat on site, but there is a limited need for heat near a landfill. For the most part it is just vented or flared off. The waste of a potential energy source is an embarrassment. Besides, we are beginning to notice that methane causes global-warming with about 50 times the effect of CO2, so there is a strong incentive to capture and burn this gas, even if you have no use for the heat. I’d like to suggest a way to use the gas.

We sell small membrane modules too.

The landfill gas can be upgraded by removing the CO2. This can be done via a membrane, and REB Research sells a membranes that can do this. Other companies have other membranes that can do this too, but ours are smaller, and more suitable to small operations in my opinion. Our membrane are silicone-based. They retain CH4 and CO and hydrogen, while extracting water, CO2 and H2S, see schematic. The remainder is suited for local use in power generation, or in methanol production. It can also be used to run trucks. Also the gas can be upgraded further and added to a pipeline for shipping elsewhere. The useless parts can be separated for burial. Find these membranes on the REB web-site under silicone membranes.

Garbage trucks in New York powered by natural gas. They could use landfill gas.

There is another gas source whose composition is nearly identical to that of landfill gas; it’s digester gas, the output of sewage digesters. I’ve written about sewage treatment mostly in terms of aerobic bio treatment, for example here, but sewage can be treated anaerobically too, and the product is virtually identical to landfill gas. I think it would be great to power garbage trucks and buses with this. Gas. In New York, currently, some garbage trucks are powered by natural gas.

As a bonus, here’s how to make methanol from partially upgraded landfill or digester gas. As a first step 2/3 of the the CO2 removed. The remained will convert to methanol. by the following overall chemistry:

3 CH4 + CO2 + 2 H2O –> 4 CH3OH. 

When you removed the CO2., likely most of the water will leave with it. You add back the water as steam and heat to 800°C over Ni catalyst to make CO and H2. That’s done at about 800°C and 200 psi. Next, at lower temperature, with an appropriate catalyst you recombine the CO and H2 into methanol; with other catalysts you can make gasoline. These are not trivial processes, but they are doable on a smallish scale, and make economic sense where the methane is essentially free and there is no CNG customer. Methanol sells for $1.65/gal when sold by the tanker full, but $5 to $10/gal at the hardware store. That’s far higher than the price of methane, and methanol is far easier to ship and sell in truckload quantities.

Robert Buxbaum, June 8, 2021

A hydrogen permeation tester

Over the years I’ve done a fair amount of research on hydrogen permeation in metals — this is the process of the gas dissolving in the metal and diffusing to the other side. I’ve described some of that, but never the devices that measure the permeation rate. Besides, my company, REB Research, sells permeation testing devices, though they are not listed on our site. We recently shipped one designed to test hydrogen permeation through plastics for use in light weight hydrogen tanks, for operation at temperatures from -40°C to 85°C. Shortly thereafter we got another order for a permeation tester. With all the orders, I thought I’d describe the device a bit — this is the device for low permeation materials. We have a similar, but less complex design for high permeation rate material.

Shown below is the central part of the device. It is a small volume that can be connected to a high vacuum, or disconnected by a valve. There is an accurate pressure sensor, accurate to 0.01 Torr, and so configured that you do not get H2 + O2 reactions (something that would severely throw off results). There is also a chamber for holding a membrane so one side is help in vacuum, in connection to the gauge, and the other is exposed to hydrogen, or other gas at pressures up to 100 psig (∆P =115 psia). I’d tested to 200 psig, but currently feel like sticking to 100 psig or less. This device gives amazingly fast readings for plastics with permeabilities as low as 0.01 Barrer.

REB Research hydrogen permeation tester cell with valve and pressure sensor.

REB Research hydrogen permeation tester cell with valve and pressure sensor.

To control the temperature in this range of interest, the core device shown in the picture is put inside an environmental chamber, set up as shown below, with he control box outside the chamber. I include a nitrogen flush device as a safety measure so that any hydrogen that leaks from the high pressure chamber will not build up to reach explosive limits within the environmental chamber. If this device is used to measure permeation of a non-flammable gas, you won’t need to flush the environmental chamber.

I suggest one set up the vacuum pump right next to the entrance of the chamber; in the case of the chamber provided, that’s on the left as shown with the hydrogen tank and a nitrogen tank to the left of the pump. I’ve decided to provide a pressure sensor for the N2 (nitrogen) and a solenoidal shutoff valve for the H2 (hydrogen) line. These work together as a safety feature for long experiments. Their purpose is to automatically turn off the hydrogen if the nitrogen runs out. The nitrogen flush part of this process is a small gauge copper line that goes from the sensor into the environmental chamber with a small, N2 flow bleed valve at the end. I suggest setting the N2 pressure to 25-35 psig. This should give a good inert flow into the environmental chamber. You’ll want a nitrogen flush, even for short experiments, and most experiments will be short. You may not need an automatic N2 sensor, but you’ll be able to do this visually.

Basic setup for REB permeation tester and environmental chamber

Basic setup for REB permeation tester and environmental chamber

I shipped the permeation cell comes with some test, rubbery plastic. I’d recommend the customer leave it in for now, so he/she can use it for some basic testing. For actual experiments, you replace mutest plastic with the sample you want to check. Connect the permeation cell as shown above, using VCR gaskets (included), and connect the far end to the multi-temperature vacuum hose, provided. Do this outside of the chamber first, as a preliminary test to see if everything is working.

For a first test live the connections to the high pressure top section unconnected. The pressure then will be 1 atm, and the chamber will be full of air. eave the top, Connect the power to the vacuum pressure gauge reader and connect the gauge reader to the gauge head. Open the valve and turn on the pump. If there are no leaks the pressure should fall precipitously, and you should see little to no vapor coming out the out port on the vacuum pump. If there is vapor, you’ve got a leak, and you should find it; perhaps you didn’t tighten a VCR connection, or you didn’t do a good job with the vacuum hose. When things are going well, you should see the pressure drop to the single-digit, milliTorr range. If you close the valve, you’ll see the pressure rise in the gauge. This is mostly water and air degassing from the plastic sample. After 30 minutes, the rate of degassing should slow and you should be able to measure the rate of gas permeation in the polymer. With my test plastic, it took a minute or so for the pressure to rise by 10 milliTorr after I closed the valve.

If you like, you can now repeat this preliminary experiment with hydrogen connect the hydrogen line to one of the two ports on the top of the permeation cell and connect the other port to the rest of the copper tubing. Attach the H2 bleed restrictor (provided) at the end of this tubing. Now turn on the H2 pressure to some reasonable value — 45 psig, say. With 45 psi (3 barg upstream) you will have a ∆P of 60 psia or 4 atm across the membrane; vacuum equals -15 psig. Repeat the experiment above; pump everything down, close the valve and note that the pressure rises faster. The restrictor allows you to maintain a H2 pressure with a small, cleansing flow of gas through the cell.

If you like to do these experiments with a computer record, this might be a good time to connect your computer to the vacuum reader/ controller, and to the thermocouple, and to the N2 pressure sensor. 

Here’s how I calculate the permeability of the test polymer from the time it takes for a pressure rise assuming air as the permeating gas. The volume of the vacuumed out area after the valve is 32 cc; there is an open area in the cell of 13.0 cm2 and, as it happens, the  thickness of the test plastic is 2 mm. To calculate the permeation rate, measure the time to rise 10 millitorr. Next calculate the millitorr per hour: that’s 360 divided by the time to rise ten milliTorr. To calculate ncc/day, multiply the millitorr/hour by 24 and by the volume of the chamber, 32 cc, and divide by 760,000, the number of milliTorr in an atmosphere. I found that, for air permeation at ∆P = one atm, I was getting 1 minute per milliTorr, which translates to about 0.5 ncc/day of permeation through my test polymer sheet. To find the specific permeability in cc.mm/m2.day.atm, I multiply this last number by the thickness of the plastic (2 mm in this case), divide by the area, 0.0013 m2, and divide by ∆P, 1 atm, for this first test. Calculated this way, I got an air permeance of 771 cc.mm/m2.day.atm.

The complete setup for permeation testing.

The complete setup for permeation testing.

Now repeat the experiment with hydrogen and your own plastic. Disconnect the cell from both the vacuum line and from the hydrogen in line. Open the cell; take out my test plastic and replace it with your own sample, 1.87” diameter, or so. Replace the gasket, or reuse it. Center the top on the bottom and retighten the bolts. I used 25 Nt-m of torque, but part of that was using a very soft rubbery plastic. You might want to use a little more — perhaps 40-50 Nt-m. Seal everything up. Check that it is leak tight, and you are good to go.

The experimental method is the same as before and the only signficant change when working with hydrogen, besides the need for a nitrogen flush, is that you should multiply the time to reach 10 milliTorr by the square-root of seven, 2.646. Alternatively, you can multiply the calculated permeability by 0.378. The pressure sensor provided measures heat transfer and hydrogen is a better heat transfer material than nitrogen by a factor of √7. The vacuum gauge is thus more sensitive to H2 than to N2. When the gauge says that a pressure change of 10 milliTorr has occurred, in actuality, it’s only 3.78 milliTorr.  The pressure gauge reads 3.78 milliTorr oh hydrogen as 10 milliTorr.

You can speed experiments by a factor of ten, by testing the time to rise 1 millitorr instead of ten. At these low pressures, the gauge I provided reads in hundredths of a milliTorr. Alternately, for higher permeation plastics (or metals) you want to test the time to rise 100 milliTorr or more, otherwise the experiment is over too fast. Even at a ten millTorr change, this device gives good accuracy in under 1 hour with even the most permeation-resistant polymers.

Dr. Robert E. Buxbaum, March 27, 2019; If you’d like one of these, just ask. Here’s a link to our web site, REB Research,

New REB hydrogen generator for car fueling, etc.

One of my favorite invention ideas, one that I’ve tried to get the DoE to fund, is a membrane hydrogen generator where the waste gas is burnt to heat the reactor. The result should be exceptional efficiency, low-cost, low pollution, and less infrastructure needs. Having failed to interest the government, I’ve gone and built one on my own dime. That’s me on the left, with Shua Spirka, holding the new core module (reactor, boiler, purifier and purifier) sized for personal car fueling.

Me and Shua and our new hydrogen generator core

Me and Shua and our new hydrogen generator core

The core just arrived from the shop last week, now we have to pumps and heat exchangers. As with our current products, the hydrogen is generated from methanol water, and extracted 99.99999% pure by diffusion through a metal membrane. This core fit in a heat transfer pot (see lower right) and the pot sits on a burner for the waste gas. Control is tricky, but I think I’ve got it. If it all works like it’s supposed to, the combination should be 80-90% energy-efficient, delivering about 75 slpm, 9 kg per day. That’s the same output as our largest current electrically heated generators, with a much lower infrastructure cost. The output should be enough to fuel one hydrogen-powered automobile per day, or keep a small fleet of plug-in, hydrogen-hybrids running continuously.

Hydrogen automobiles have a lot of advantages over Tesla-type electric automobiles. I’ll tell you how the thing works as soon as we set it up and test it. Right now, we’ve got other customers and other products to make.

Robert Buxbaum, February 18, 2016. If someone could supply a good hydrogen compressor, and a good fuel cell, that would be most welcome. Someone who can supply that will be able to ride in a really excellent cart of the future at this year’s July 4th parade.

Air swimmer at REB Research

Birds got to swim and fish got to fly. Gonna love that hydrogen till the day I die. Here’s a movie of our hydrogen-filled air swimmer, a fish-blimp at REB Research. My hope is that this thing will help us sell hydrogen generators — perhaps to folks who fly military balloons, or those who fly hydrogen balloons for sport. On the other hand, the swimmer is a lot of fun to play with — and I got to show it off to a first grade class!

Aside from balloon fliers, military and otherwise, the sort of customers I’d hoped to attract were those building fueling stations for fuel cell cars or drone airplanes, and those running multiple gas chromatographs or adding hydrogen to car or diesel engine. Even small amounts of hydrogen added to a standard engine will reduce pollution significantly, add raise mileage too: a plus for a company like VW.

Dr. Robert E. Buxbaum, December 2, 2015. I should mention that hydrogen balloons are no where near as unsafe as people think. Here’s a movie I made of lighting a hydrogen filled balloon with a cigar.

Thermodynamics of hydrogen generation

Perhaps the simplest way to make hydrogen is by electrolysis: you run some current through water with a little sulfuric acid or KOH added, and for every two electrons transferred, you get a molecule of hydrogen from one electrode and half a molecule of oxygen from the other.

2 OH- –> 2e- + 1/2 O2 +H2O

2H2O + 2e- –>  H2 + 2OH-

The ratio between amps, seconds and mols of electrons (or hydrogen) is called the Faraday constant, F = 96500; 96500 amp-seconds transfers a mol of electrons. For hydrogen production, you need 2 mols of electrons for each mol of hydrogen, n= 2, so

it = 2F where and i is the current in amps, and t is the time in seconds and n is the number electrons per molecule of desired product. For hydrogen, t = 96500*2/i; in general, t = Fn/i.

96500 is a large number, and it takes a fair amount of time to make any substantial amount of hydrogen by electrolysis. At 1 amp, it takes 96500*2 = 193000 seconds, 2 days, to generate one mol of hydrogen (that’s 2 grams Hor 22.4 liters, enough to fill a garment bag). We can reduce the time by using a higher current, but there are limits. At 25 amps, the maximum current of you can carry with house wiring it takes 2.14 hours to generate 2 grams. (You’ll have to rectify your electricity to DC or you’ll get a nasty H2 /O2 mix called Brown’s gas, While normal H2 isn’t that dangerous, Browns gas is a mix of H2 and O2 and is quite explosive. Here’s an essay I wrote on separating Browns gas).

Electrolysis takes a fair amount of electric energy too; the minimum energy needed to make hydrogen at a given temperature and pressure is called the reversible energy, or the Gibbs free energy ∆G of the reaction. ∆G = ∆H -T∆S, that is, ∆G equals the heat of hydrogen production ∆H – minus an entropy effect, T∆S. Since energy is the product of voltage current and time, Vit = ∆G, where ∆G is the Gibbs free energy measured in Joules and V,i, and t are measured Volts, Amps, and seconds respectively.

Since it = nF, we can rewrite the relationship as: V =∆G/nF for a process that has no energy losses, a reversible process. This is the form found in most thermodynamics textbooks; the value of V calculated this way is the minimum voltage to generate hydrogen, and the maximum voltage you could get in a fuel cell putting water back together.

To calculate this voltage, and the power requirements to make hydrogen, we use the Gibbs free energy for water formation found in Wikipedia, copied below (in my day, we used the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics or a table in out P-chem book). You’ll notice that there are two different values for ∆G depending on whether the water is a gas or a liquid, and you’ll notice a small zero at the upper right (∆G°). This shows that the values are for an imaginary standard state: 20°C and 1 atm pressure. You can’t get 1 atm steam at 20°C, it’s an extrapolation; behavior at typical temperatures, 40°C and above is similar but not identical. I’ll leave it to a reader to send this voltage as a comment.

Liquid H2O formation∆G° =-237.14
Gaseous H2O formation∆G° =-228.61

The reversible voltage for creating liquid water in a reversible fuel cell is found to be -237,140/(2 x 96,500) = -1.23V. We find that 1.23 Volts is about the minimum voltage you need to do electrolysis at 0°C because you need liquid water to carry the current; -1.18 V is about the maximum voltage you can get in a fuel cell because they operate at higher temperature with oxygen pressures significantly below 1 atm. (typically). The minus sign is kept for accounting; it differentiates the power out case (fuel cells) from power in (electrolysis). It is typical to find that fuel cells operate at lower voltages, between about .5V and 1.0V depending on the fuel cell and the power load.

Most electrolysis is done at voltages above about 1.48 V. Just as fuel cells always give off heat (they are exothermic), electrolysis will absorb heat if run reversibly. That is, electrolysis can act as a refrigerator if run reversibly. but electrolysis is not a very good refrigerator (the refrigerator ability is tied up in the entropy term mentioned above). To do electrolysis at reasonably fast rates, people give up on refrigeration (sucking heat from the environment) and provide all the entropy needed for electrolysis in the electricity they supply. This is to say, they operate at V’ were nFV’ ≥ ∆H, the enthalpy of water formation. Since ∆H is greater than ∆G, V’ the voltage for electrolysis is higher than V. Based on the enthalpy of liquid water formation,  −285.8 kJ/mol we find V’ = 1.48 V at zero degrees. The figure below shows that, for any reasonably fast rate of hydrogen production, operation must be at 1.48V or above.

Electrolyzer performance; C-Pt catalyst on a thin, nafion membrane

Electrolyzer performance; C-Pt catalyst on a thin, nafion membrane

If you figure out the energy that this voltage and amperage represents (shown below) you’re likely to come to a conclusion I came to several years ago: that it’s far better to generate large amounts of hydrogen chemically, ideally from membrane reactors like my company makes.

The electric power to make each 2 grams of hydrogen at 1.5 volts is 1.5 V x 193000 Amp-s = 289,500 J = .080 kWh’s, or 0.9¢ at current rates, but filling a car takes 20 kg, or 10,000 times as much. That’s 800 kW-hr, or $90 at current rates. The electricity is twice as expensive as current gasoline and the infrastructure cost is staggering too: a station that fuels ten cars per hour would require 8 MW, far more power than any normal distributor could provide.

By contrast, methanol costs about 2/3 as much as gasoline, and it’s easy to deliver many giga-joules of methanol energy to a gas station by truck. Our company’s membrane reactor hydrogen generators would convert methanol-water to hydrogen efficiently by the reaction CH3OH + H2O –> 3H2 + CO2. This is not to say that electrolysis isn’t worthwhile for lower demand applications: see, e.g.: gas chromatography, and electric generator cooling. Here’s how membrane reactors work.

R. E. Buxbaum July 1, 2013; Those who want to show off, should post the temperature and pressure corrections to my calculations for the reversible voltage of typical fuel cells and electrolysis.

What’s Holding Gilroy on the Roof

We recently put a sculpture on our roof: Gilroy, or “Mr Hydrogen.” It’s a larger version of a creepy face sculpture I’d made some moths ago. Like it, and my saber-toothed tiger, the eyes follow you. A worry about this version: is there enough keeping it from blowing down on the cars? Anyone who puts up a large structure must address this worry, but I’m a professional engineer with a PhD from Princeton, so my answer is a bit different from most.

Gilroy (Mr Hydrogen) sculpture on roof of REB Research & Consulting. The eyes follow you.

Gilroy (Mr Hydrogen) sculpture on roof of REB Research & Consulting. The eyes follow you. Aim is that it should withstand 50 mph winds.

The main force on most any structure is the wind (the pyramids are classic exceptions). Wind force is generally proportional to the exposed area and to the wind-speed squared: something called form-drag or quadratic drag. Since force is related to wind-speed, I start with some good statistics for wind speed, shown in the figure below for Detroit where we are.

The highest Detroit wind speeds are typically only 16 mph, but every few years the winds are seen to reach 23 mph. These are low relative to many locations: Detroit has does not get hurricanes and rarely gets tornadoes. Despite this, I’ve decided to brace the sculpture to withstand winds of 50 mph, or 22.3 m/s. On the unlikely chance there is a tornado, I figure there would be so much other flotsam that I would not have to answer about losing my head. (For why Detroit does not get hurricanes or tornadoes, see here. If you want to know why tornadoes lift things, see here).

The maximum area Gilroy presents is 1.5 m2. The wind force is calculated by multiplying this area by the kinetic energy loss per second 1/2ρv2, times a form factor.  F= (Area)*ƒ* 1/2ρv2, where ρ is the density of air, 1.29Kg/m3, and v is velocity, 22.3 m/s. The form factor, ƒ, is about 1.25 for this shape: ƒ is found to be 1.15 for a flat plane, and 1.1 to 1.3 a rough sphere or ski-jumper. F = 1.5*1.25* (1/2 *1.29*22.32) = 603 Nt = 134 lb.; pressure is this divided by area. Since the weight is only about 40 lbs, I find I have to tie down the sculpture. I’ve done that with a 150 lb rope, tying it to a steel vent pipe.

Wind speed for Detroit month by month. Used to calculate the force. From http://weatherspark.com/averages/30042/Detroit-Michigan-United-States

Wind speed for Detroit month by month. Used to calculate the force. From http://weatherspark.com/averages/30042/Detroit-Michigan-United-States

It is possible that there’s a viscous lift force too, but it is likely to be small given the blunt shape and the flow Reynolds number: 3190. There is also the worry that Gilroy might fall apart from vibration. Gilroy is made of 3/4″ plywood, treated for outdoor use and then painted, but the plywood is held together with 25 steel screws 4″ long x 1/4″ OD. Screws like this will easily hold 134 lbs of steady wind force, but a vibrating wind will cause fatigue in the metal (bend a wire often enough and it falls apart). I figure I can leave Gilroy up for a year or so without worry, but will then go up to replace the screws and check if I have to bring him/ it down.

In the meantime, I’ll want to add a sign under the sculpture: “REB Research, home of Mr Hydrogen” I want to keep things surreal, but want to be safe and make sales.

by Robert E. Buxbaum, June 21, 2013