It is a fundamental of science that that the properties of every pure one-phase material is totally fixed properties at any given temperature and pressure. Thus for example, water at 0°C is accepted to always have a density of 0.998 gm/cc, a vapor pressure of 17.5 Torr, a viscosity of 1.002 centipoise (milliPascal seconds) and a speed of sound of 1481 m/s. Set the temperature and pressure of any other material and every other quality is set. But things go screwy near surfaces, and this is particularly true for water where the hydrogen bond — a quantum bond — predominates.
its vapor pressure rises and it becomes less inclined to condense or freeze. I use this odd aspect of thermodynamics to keep my platinum-based hydrogen getter catalysis active at low temperatures where they would normally clog. Normal platinum catalysts are not suitable for hydrogen removal at normal temperatures, eg room temperature, because the water that forms from hydrogen oxidation chokes off the catalytic surface. Hydrophobic additions prevent this, and I’d like to show you why this works, and why other odd things happen, based on an approximation called the Van der Waals equation of state:
This equation described the molar volume of a pure material, , of any pure material based not the pressure, the absolute temperature (Kelvin) and two, substance-specific constants,
. These constants can be understood as an attraction force term, and a molecular volume respectively. It is common to calculate a and b from the critical temperature and pressure as follows, where Tc is absolute temperature:
(2 a,b)
For water Tc = 647 K (374°C) and 220.5 bar. Plugging in these numbers, the Van der Waals gives reasonable values for the density of water both as a liquid and a gas, and thus gives a reasonable value for the boiling point.
Now consider the effect that an inert surface would have on the effective values of a and b near that surface. The volume of the molecules will not change, and thus b will not change, but the value of a will change, likely by about half. This is because, the number of molecules surrounding any other molecule is reduced by about half while the inert surface adds nothing to the attraction. Near a surface, surrounding molecules still attract each other the same as before, but there are about half as many molecules at any temperature and pressure.
To get a physical sense of what the surface does, consider using the new values of a and b to determine a new value for Tc and Pc, for materials near the surface. Since b does not change, we see that the presence of a surface does not affect the ratio of Tc and Pc, but it decreases the effective value of Tc — by about half. For water, that is a change from 647 K to 323.5K, 50.5°C, very close to room temperature. Pc changes to 110 bar, about 1600 psi. Since the new value of Tc is close to room temperature, the the density of water will be much lower near the surface, and the viscosity can be expected to drop. The net result is that water flows more readily through a teflon pipe than through an ordinary pipe, a difference that is particularly apparent at small diameters.
This decrease in effective Tc is useful for fire hoses, and for making sailing ships go faster (use teflon paint) and for making my hydrogen removal catalysts more active at low temperatures. Condensed water can block the pores to the catalyst; teflon can forestall this condensation. It’s a general trick of thermodynamics, reasonably useful. Now you know it, and now you know why it works.
Robert Buxbaum August 30, 2021