Free will is generally considered a good thing — perhaps a unique gift from the creator to man-kind. Legal philosophers contend that it is free will that makes us liable to legal punishment for our crimes. while piranhas and machines are not. We would never think of jailing a gun or a piranha even it harmed a child.
It’s not totally clear that we have free will, though, nor is it totally clear what free will is. The common test is that no one can tell what I will do. If this is the only requirement, though, it seems a random number generator should be found to have free will. One might want to add some degree of artificial intelligence so that the random numbers are used to make decisions that are rational in some sense, say choosing between tea and coffee, for example, and not tea and covfefe, but this should not be difficult. With that modification, we should find that the random device would make free decisions as boldly or conservatively as any person.
The numbers should be truly random, but even if they are not quite, this should not be a barrier. We generally take statistical things to be random, the speed of the wind tomorrow at 3:00 PM for example even though there is a likely average, and 500 mph is exceedingly unlikely. And, if that isn’t quite random enough, one could use quantum mechanics. One could devise a system that measures the time between the next two radioactive decays to an accuracy many times greater than the likely time between. If the sample has a decay every 100 seconds or so, the second and third digit of this time after the decimal is random to an extent that most would accept, and that one can predict it at all — or so we understand it. (God might be an exception here, but since He is outside of time, prediction becomes an oxymoron). Using these quantum mechanic random numbers, one should be able to make decisions showing as much free will as any person shows, and likely more . Most folks are fairly predictable.
Since God is considered to be outside of time, any mention of his fore-knowledge or pre-determination is an oxymoron. There is no pre or fore if you’re outside of time, as I’d understand things
I notice that few people would say that a radioactive atom has free will, though, and that many doubt that people have free will. Still no one seems interested in handing major issues to a computer, or holding the machine liable if things turn out poorly. And if one wants to argue that people have no free will, it seems to me that the argument for punishment would get rather weak. Without free will, shy would it be more wrong to kill a person than a piranha, or a plant.
A typical plant in Oakland county treats 2,000,000 gallons per day of this stuff, with the bio-reactor receiving liquid waste containing about 200 ppm of soluble and colloidal biomass. That’s 400 dry gallons for those interested, or about 3200 dry lbs./day. About half of this will be oxidized to CO2 and water. The rest (cell bodies) are removed with insoluble components, and applied to farmers fields or buried, or burnt in an incinerator.
There is another type of reactor used in Oakland County. It’s mostly used for secondary treatment, converting consolidated sludge to higher-quality sludge that can be sold or used on farms with less restriction, but it is a type of reactor used at the South Lyon treatment plant, for primary treatment. It is a Continually stirred tank reactor, or CSTR, a design that is shown in schematic below.
As of some years ago, the South Lyon system involved a single largish pond lined with plastic with a volume about 2,000,000 gallons total. About 700,000 gallons per day of sewage liquids went into the lagoon, at 200 ppm soluble organics. Air was bubbled through the liquid providing a necessary reactant, and causing near-perfect mixing of the contents. The aim of the plant managers is to keep the soluble output to the, then-acceptable level of 10 ppm; it’s something they only barely managed, and things got worse as the flow increased. Assume as before, a value V and a flow Q.
We will call the concentration of soluble organics C, and call the initial concentration, the concentration that enters, Ci. It’s about 200 ppm. We’ll call the output concentration Co, and for this type of reactors, Co = C. The reaction is first order, approximately, so that, if there were no flow into or out of the reactor, the concentration of organics would decrease at the rate of
dC/dt = -kC.
Here k is a reaction constant, dependent on temperature oxygen and cell content. It’s typically about 0.5/hour. For a given volume of tank the rate of organic removal is VkC. We can now do a mass balance on soluble organics. Since the rate of organic entry is QCi and the rate leaving by flow is QC. The difference must be the amount that is reacted away:
QCi – QC = VkC.
We now use algebra, to find that
Co = Ci/(1 + kV/Q).
V/Q is sometimes called a residence time; for the system. At normal flow, the residence time of the South Lyon system is about 2.8 days or 68.6 hours. Plugging these numbers in, we find that the effluent from the reactor leaves at 1/35 of the input concentration, or 5.7 ppm, on average. This would be fine except that sometimes the temperature drops, or the flow increases, and we start violating the standard. A yet bigger problem was that the population increased by 50% while the EPA standard got more stringent to 2 ppm. This was solved by adding another, smaller reactor, volume = V2. Using the same algebraic analysis, as above you can show that, with two reactors,
Co = Ci/ [(1 + kV/Q)(1+kV2/Q)].
It’s a touchy system, but it meets government targets, just barely, most of the time. I think it is time to switch to a plug-flow reactor system, as used in much of Oakland county. In these, the fluid enters a channel and is reacted as it flows along. Each gallon of fluid, in a sense moves by itself as if it were its own reactor. In each gallon, we can say that dC/dt = -kC. We can thus solve for Co in terms of the total residence time, where t again is V/Q. We can rearrange this equation and integrate: ∫dC/C = – ∫kdt. We then find that,
ln(Ci/Co) = kt = kV/Q
To convert 200 ppm sewage to 2 ppm we note that Ci/Co = 100 and that V = Q ln(100)/k = Q (4.605/.5) hours. An inflow of 1000,000 gallons per day = 41,667 gal/ hour, and we find the volume of tank is 41,667 x 9.21 = 383,750 gallons. This is quite a lot smaller than the CSTR tanks at South Lyon. If we converted the South Lyon tanks to a plug-flow, race-track design, it would allow it to serve a massively increased population, discharging far cleaner sewage.
Some months ago, I demonstrated that the maximum height of a concrete skyscraper was 45.8 miles, but there were many unrealistic assumptions. The size of the base was 100 mi2, about that of Sacramento, California; the shape was similar to that of the Eiffel tower, and there was no wind. This height is semi-reasonable; it’s about that of the mountains on Mars where there is a yellow sky and no wind, but it is 100 times taller than the tallest skyscraper on earth. the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, 2,426 ft., shown below. Now I’d like to include wind, and limit the skyscraper to a straight tower of a more normal size, a city-block square of manhattan, New York real-estate. That’s 198 feet on a side; this is three times the length of Gunther’s surveying chain, the standard for surveying in 1800.
As in our previous calculation, we can find the maximum height in the absence of windby balancing the skyscrapers likely strength agains its likely density. We’ll assume the structure is made from T1 steel, a low carbon, vanadium steel used in bridges, further assume that the structure occupies 1/10 of the floor area. Because the structure is only 1/10 of the area, the average yield strengthener the floor area is 1/10 that of T1 steel. This is 1/10 x 100,000 psi (pounds per square inch) = 10,000 psi. The density of T1 steel is 0.2833 pounds per cubic inch, but we’ll assume that the density of the skyscraper is about 1/4 this; (a skyscraper is mostly empty space). We find the average is 0.07 pounds per cubic inch. The height, is the strength divided by the density, thus
This is 4 1/4 times higher than the Burj Khalifa. The weight of this structure found from the volume of the structure times its average density, or 0.07 pounds per cubic inch x 123 x 1982x 11,905 = 56.45 billion pounds, or, in SI units, a weight of 251 GNt.
Lets compare this to the force of a steady wind. A steady wind can either either tip over the building by removing stress on the upwind side, or add so much extra stress to the down-wind side that the wall fails. The force of the wind is proportionals to the wind’s energy dissipation rate. I’ll assume a maximum wind speed of 120 mph, or 53.5 m/s. The force of the wind equals the area of the building, times a form factor, ƒ, times the rate of kinetic energy dissipation, 1/2ρv2. Thus,
F= (Area)*ƒ* 1/2ρv2, where ρ is the density of air, 1.29kg/m3.
The form factor, ƒ, is found to be 1.15 for a flat plane. I’ll presume that’s also the form factor for a skyscraper. I’ll take the wind area as
Area = W x H,
where W is the width of the tower, 60.35 m in SI, and the height, H, is what we wish to determine. It will be somewhat less than H’max-tower, =3629 m, the non-wind height. As an estimate for how much less, assume H = H’max-tower, =3629 m. For this height tower, the force of the wind is found to be:
F = 3629 * 60.35* 2123 = 465 MNt.
This is 1/500 the weight of the building, but we still have to include the lever effect. The building is about 60.1 times taller than it is wide, and as a result the 465 MNt sideways force produces an additional 28.0 GNt force on the down-wind side, plus and a reduction of the same amount upwind. This is significant, but still only 1/9 the weight of the building. The effect of the wind therefore is to reduce the maximum height of this New York building by about 9 %, to a maximum height of 2.05 miles or 3300 m.
The tallest building of Europe is the Shard; it’s a cone. The Eiffel tower, built in the 1800s, is taller.
A cone is a better shape for a very tall tower, and it is the shape chosen for “the shard”, the second tallest building in Europe, but it’s not the ideal shape. The ideal, as before, is something like the Eiffel tower. You can show, though I will not, that even with wind, the maximum height of a conical building is three times as high as that of a straight building of the same base-area and construction. That is to say that the maximal height of a conical building is about 6 miles.
In the old days, one could say that a 2 or 6 mile building was inconceivable because of wind vibration, but we’ve found ways to deal with vibration, e.g. by using active damping. A somewhat bigger problem is elevators. A very tall building needs to have elevators in stages, perhaps 1/2 mile stages with exchanges (and shopping) in-between. Yet another problem is fire. To some extent you eliminate these problems by use of pre-mixed concrete, as was used in the Trump tower in New York, and later in the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.
The compressive strength of high-silica, low aggregate, UHPC-3 concrete is 135 MPa (about 19,500 psi), and the density is 2400 kg/m3 or about 0.0866 lb/in3. I will assume that 60% of the volume is empty and that 20% of the weight is support structure (For the steel building, above, I’d assumed 3/4 and 10%). In the absence of wind,
H’max-cylinder-concrete = .2 x 19,500 psi/(0.4 x.0866 lb/in3) = 112,587″ = 9,382 ft = 1.77 miles. This building is 79% the height of the previous, steel building, but less than half the weight, about 22,000,000,000 pounds. The effect of the wind will be to reduce the above height by about 14%, to 1.52 miles. I’m not sure that’s a fire-safe height, but it is an ego-boost height.